MacroDroid Device Automation

What is MacroDroid Device Automation?

MacroDroid Device automation is a free utility app on Android that helps users to automate their tasks and save time and efforts. The app can perform various tasks through actions, triggers and constraints. You can manage notifications, data usage, battery settings, location, making automatic calls, sending messages and opening apps through this app without manually performing the tasks. The app is easy to use and once you download it you need to set different macros and define triggers and actions.

What MacroDroid is Used for?

The app is basically used to automate repetitive tasks through triggers. In layman’s term, it begins an action as a result of a condition. For example, you can set auto launch feature on the app when you connect your Bluetooth with the phone. Another example is automatically sending a reply when you miss a call. The app is simple to use and user friendly. It saves lots of time and effort of users and improves efficiency. It also helps in saving data and battery and enhances your productivity.  

How MacroDroid Works?

The app works through this concept that are triggers, actions and constraints. When you open the app you can choose any of these three and automate your task. Trigger is the precondition of any action, for example, when you shake the phone flash light will open. You can use trigger to open different apps automatically or make calls.

Next is action, which needs to be done without any condition. This includes taking photos, sending automated SMS and making calls. Finally, you can set constraints which works on the concept of “only if”. For example, the message will be automatically sent only if you have missed the call from favourite contacts. In this way you can automate tons of tasks on the basis of triggers, actions and constraints.

How to Set Up a Macro?

  • First of all, download the app and install.
  • Next, launch it on your Android device.
  • Create a macro by tapping on “+macro” and give a name and description to that macro or task. Here we take an example of “Sending an auto reply”.
  • Set up a trigger, action or constraint. For example, you can set a trigger as miss call. So whenever you miss a call, an automated message will be forwarded.
  • In this way you can set a constraint too. For example, forward the message only at certain times.

Who Can Benefit from MacroDroid?


Those who have less time on their hands can automate their message replies, app launching or turning on meeting modes.


If you are a student, the app can set alarms for you, turn on study mode and mute notifications.

Disable People:

The app simplifies the app usage through voice commands and triggers like phone flip and phone shake.


The app is basically suited to anyone who wants to simplify tasks. You can use the app in a creative way too. For example, for an escape you can set a fake call when you say a certain sentence, cleaning phone on its own, setting alarms etc.


In a nutshell, MacroDroid Device Automation is a free Android app that automates different tasks and simplifies them for you. It saves you time and energy and enhances your productivity. It is especially helpful to professionals, students, drivers, people with disabilities and anyone who wants to save their time. The app works through MacroDroid triggers, actions and constraints which helps in setting a macro that automates a task. The app is user friendly and easy to use.

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